International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing Technology - AMPT 2001, Madrid (Spain). 18-21 September 2001
Keywords: Materials; Joints; Bonding; Adhesives; Selection
Published in Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol: 143-144, pp: 219-224, ISSN: 0924-0136
Publication date: 2003-12-20.
J.C. Suárez, I. Diez de Ulzurrum, M.V. Biezma, J.M. Ruiz, M.A. Martínez, J.C. del Real-Romero, F. López, Case studies in adhesives selection, International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing Technology - AMPT 2001, Madrid (Spain). 18-21 September 2001. In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 143-144, ISSN: 0924-0136