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Conference paper information

Is the European 2050 emissions path viable for Spain? How much renewables are needed? Is the power system able to deal with it?

K. Dietrich, A. López-Peña

Conferencia Internacional Desafíos del Cambio Climático, Madrid (Spain). 25-26 Febrero 2013

Climate change is a serious thread and will keep future generations worried. Climate policies are implemented now, but will only show e ects in the long-term. But how does the electricity system will look like in the future. Are policy outcomes realistic in the operation of the electric system? We define a policy to reach minimum renewable generation and emissions targets for the future and prove whether this policy outcome is viable in the operation of the electric system. First, we will analyse the objectives for 2030 and determine the necessary technology investment in the complete Spanish energy system (not just electricity system) to achieve an ambitious emissions reduction, in line with the European objectives for 2050 (EU Roadmaps 2050 ). Then, the foreseen investment will be tested with a model that represents in detail the power system operation to examine the technical feasibility. We nd that the operation is feasible but that resulting productions di er. One of the reasons is the elevated amount of spillage necessary in the operation. As a result we see the urgent need to invest in a more exible electricity system with more electric vehicles, more exible demand,more storage technologies and less in exible generation.

Publication date: February 2013.

Dietrich, K., López-Peña, A., Is the European 2050 emissions path viable for Spain? How much renewables are needed? Is the power system able to deal with it?, Conferencia Internacional Desafíos del Cambio Climático, Madrid (Spain). 25-26 February 2013.

    Research topics:
  • *Analysis of Sustainable Energy Policies


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