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Conference paper information

Ventilation of road tunnels in case of fire

L. Mochón, A. Martínez, E. Alarcón

International Fire Users Meeting, Graz (Austria). 08-09 Mayo 1995

The accelerated pace in construction of longer road tunnels has provoked a renewed interest in the analisys of the different scenarios that can appear during their service life. Among them one of the most complicated and worst known is the case of an accident with fire inside the tunnel. Using the powerful capacities of FIREthe paper present a parametric study on the implications of the use of the extractions ducts at ceiling (vents) as well as some of the preeliminary conclusions obtained, with the numerical modelling.

Publication date: May 1995.

Mochón, L., Martínez, A., Alarcón, E., Ventilation of road tunnels in case of fire, International Fire Users Meeting, Graz (Austria). 08-09 May 1995.

    Research topics:
  • *Mechanical Systems: Secánica estructural, elementos de máquinas, prototipado rápido, metrología dimensional
  • *Energy Systems: Hransmisión de calor, mecánica de fluidos, termoelectricidad, máquinas térmicas e hidráulicas, ahorro y eficiencia energética
