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FREMAP, researching on metrology of health with social responsibility

FREMAP, researching on metrology of health with social responsibility

A. Marín Fernández-Sánchez, M.A. Sáenz-Nuño, F. Moreno Bellido, N. Díez

20 Congreso Nacional de Hospitales y Gestión Hospitalaria - 20 CNH, Seville (Spain). 29-31 March 2017

Original summary:
En el mundo de la salud, se utilizan multitud de datos resultados de medida realizadas dentro de los hospitales. Es necesiario garantizar estas medidas dándoles las trazabilidad metrológica correspondiente. Desde hace años el Hospital FREMAP en colaboración con la Universidad Pontifica Comillas lo están consiguiendo revirtiendo además en la responsabilidad social corporativa de FREMAP.

English summary:
On the health world, we use a multitude of data results of measurement performed within hospitals. It is necessary to guarantee these measures giving them the corresponding metrological traceability. For years FREMAP Hospital in collaboration with Comillas Pontifical University are getting by reversing on the corporate social responsibility of FREMAP.

Publication date: 2017-03-29.

A. Marín Fernández-Sánchez, M.A. Sáenz-Nuño, F. Moreno Bellido, N. Díez, FREMAP, researching on metrology of health with social responsibility, 20 Congreso Nacional de Hospitales y Gestión Hospitalaria - 20 CNH, Seville (Spain). 29-31 March 2017.

    Research topics:
  • *Mechanical Systems: Structural mechanics, Machinery components, Fast prototyping, Metrology

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