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Conference paper information

Distribution-level flexibility provision through simultaneous ascending auctions

I. Abdelmotteleb, T. Gómez, J.P. Chaves

25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (Spain). 03-06 June 2019


A distribution-level Local Flexibility Mechanism (LFM) is proposed that accompanies distribution network charges consisting of two components: a peak coincidence network charge (PCNC) and fixed charge. The PCNC is a forward-looking charge that considers the cost of future network reinforcements required and is allocated to customers according to their contribution during network peak hours. LFM aims to utilize customers’ flexibility efficiently while allowing them to hedge against high PCNC. LFM is based on simultaneous ascending auctions, through which customers book their network capacity during critical hours in advance. The framework along with a case study are presented to illustrate the operation of LFM.

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.34890/950

Published in CIRED 2019, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1

Publication date: 2019-06-03.

I. Abdelmotteleb, T. Gómez, J.P. Chaves, Distribution-level flexibility provision through simultaneous ascending auctions, 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (Spain). 03-06 June 2019. In: CIRED 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1

    Research topics:
  • Planning and operation of DER
  • Energy markets design and regulation
  • Regulation of energy network infrastructures: Transport and distribution
  • Smart client, building and districts
  • Network regulation and tariff design with large shares of DER
  • Innovative business models in the power sector