2022 Porto CIRED Workshop, Porto (Portugal). 02-03 June 2022
The governments' support for zero emission vehicles and the increasing concerns regarding the detrimental environmental effects are among the key factors driving the growth of the Electric Vehicles (EVs) market. Such massive diffusion will heavily impact on MV and LV electric distribution systems that must accommodate a multitude of charging infrastructures. This prevision, combined with the extensive integration of small production plants and the current trends in load electrification, are leading a revolution in the involved power systems. As direct consequence of this imminent scenario, and to avoid unsustainable network investments, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) will need to resort to the potential flexibility services available from all the Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). EVs can represent not only a cause of these network issues but also one of these DERs, a sort of mobile storage, able to provide suitable flexibility services by modulating their charging energy. However, this kind of resource is characterized by strong uncertainties. Therefore, it is necessary to develop ad hoc planning tools able to manage this uncertainty. In the paper, a Robust Optimization approach has been applied to the exploitation of the electric storage available from an aggregation of EVs. The procedure is tested on real MV urban distribution networks.
Published in CIRED Porto Workshop 2022, ISBN: 978-1-83953-705-9
Publication date: 2022-07-27.
G. Celli, M. Galici, F. Pilo, A robust exploitation of flexibility from aggregation of EVs, 2022 Porto CIRED Workshop, Porto (Portugal). 02-03 June 2022. In: CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, e-ISBN: 978-1-83953-705-9