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Power quality regulation under the new regulatory framework of distribution systems

J. Rivier, J.I. de la Fuente, T. Gómez, J. Román

13th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1999, Trondheim (Noruega). 28 junio - 02 julio 1999


A new restructuring and regulatory process is taking place all over the world in the electrical sector. While competition is being introduced in generation and retailing, network distribution activity is still considered a natural monopoly that need to be regulated. New regulatory schemes of the type of performance-based regulation, such as price caps or revenue caps, have been proposed as an alternative to traditional cost of service or base rate regulation. These models provide strong incentives for cost reduction. As consequence, realiability, highly related to investment and maintenance practices in utilities, may suffer considerable deterioration. This paper proposes a specific power quality regulation to be implemented under performance-based distribution remuneration schemes, focused on continuity of supply. Theoretical and practical implementation issues are discussed based on the Spanish regulatory experience.

Palabras clave: Power quality, reliability, distribution systems, performance-based regulation, energy economics.

Fecha de publicación: 1999-06-28.

J. Rivier, J.I. de la Fuente, T. Gómez, J. Román, Power quality regulation under the new regulatory framework of distribution systems, 13th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1999, Trondheim (Noruega). 28 junio - 02 julio 1999.

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