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Including combined-cycle power plants in generation system reliability studies

J. Muñoz Estrada, N. Jiménez Redondo, J. Pérez Ruiz, J. Barquín

8th International Conference on Probability Methods Applied to Power Systems - PMAPS 2004, Ames (Estados Unidos de América). 12-16 septiembre 2004


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Publicado en PMAPS 2004, pp: 855-860, ISBN: 0-9761319-1-9

Fecha de publicación: 2005-01-17.

J. Muñoz Estrada, N. Jiménez Redondo, J. Pérez Ruiz, J. Barquín, Including combined-cycle power plants in generation system reliability studies, 8th International Conference on Probability Methods Applied to Power Systems - PMAPS 2004, Ames (Estados Unidos de América). 12-16 septiembre 2004. En: PMAPS 2004: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 0-9761319-1-9

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