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Optimal location and management of a biomass inventory facility

P. Sánchez, A. Ramos

XI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización / International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Managment - CIO 2007, Madrid (España). 05-07 septiembre 2007


This paper shows the mathematical formulation of an inventory facility location decision problem. These facilities provide storage for agricultural biomass to be used as fuel at industrial plants. The decision problem bears in mind logistics cost (inventory and transportation), unsupplied penalties and delayed collection costs. Logical constraints, such as maximum storage capacity or maximum monthly available lorries, are taken into account. A real case study has been described in a high biomass collection and demand scenarios analyzing results for different number of inventory facilities.

Palabras clave: Network flow, Biomass, Logistics

Publicado en XI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, pp: 843-852, ISBN: 978-84-611-8244-2

Fecha de publicación: 2007-09-07.

P. Sánchez, A. Ramos, Optimal location and management of a biomass inventory facility, XI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización / International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Managment - CIO 2007, Madrid (España). 05-07 septiembre 2007. En: XI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Actas. Madrid, 5-7 de Septiembre de 2007, ISBN: 978-84-611-8244-2

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Análisis de Estrategia a Largo Plazo
  • *Planificación Táctica a Medio Plazo

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