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Dynamic simulation of the system pantograph-catenary-vehicle-track

A. Ramos, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, M. Such, A. Carnicero, C. Sanchez-Rebollo

9th World Congress on Railway Research - WCRR 2011, Lille (Francia). 22-26 mayo 2011

This paper presents anadvanced pantograph-catenary-vehicle-trackmodel which allows the coupled simulation of the complete system. The model developed is able to evaluate the contact force generated in the catenary-pantograph and wheel-track interactions. Nevertheless, this paper focuses on the possible influence of the vehicle-track system in the catenary-pantograph dynamic interaction. Moreover, the effects of considering track irregularities and short-bridge ways are analyzed.The techniques employed in the simulation are widely known and therefore the formulation of its equations is not studied in depth.

Fecha de publicación: 2011-05-22.

A. Ramos, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, M. Such, A. Carnicero, C. Sanchez-Rebollo, Dynamic simulation of the system pantograph-catenary-vehicle-track, 9th World Congress on Railway Research - WCRR 2011, Lille (Francia). 22-26 mayo 2011.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Sistemas Mecánicos: Mecánica estructural, elementos de máquinas, prototipado rápido, metrología dimensional

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