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Impact of demand-side management on transmission networks

A. González, F.M. Echavarren, L. Rouco, E. Lobato

Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering - XII CLEEE 2011, Ponta Delgada (Portugal). 30 junio - 02 julio 2011

DSM is the set of techniques which aim to introduce more efficiency in a power system by means of direct or indirect actions taken on demand, minimizing their impact on consumption utility and the quality of supply. This paper studies the impact of the application of some specific DSM techniques over the power flow of transmission networks, considering a specific load scenario. The aim of the method is to determine the location of the loads suitable to modify power flows and alleviate congestions. The proposed method determines the impact of applying zonal DSM techniques. It is based on the computation of sensitivities of power flows with respect to power injected in network buses and the statistical analysis of the obtained sensitivities for every network zone. In order to show the performance of the proposed method, this paper includes the study of the impact of zonal demands on the power flow of a transmission line, considering actual scenarios of the Spanish transmission network.

Fecha de publicación: junio 2011.

González, A., Echavarren, F.M., Rouco, L., Lobato, E., Impact of demand-side management on transmission networks, Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering - XII CLEEE 2011, Ponta Delgada (Portugal). 30 junio - 02 julio 2011.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Régimen Permanente: Flujos de cargas, análisis de restricciones de operación, flujos de cargas óptimo, servicio complementario de control de tensiones, cortocircuitos, protecciones en redes de transporte y distribución, modelos térmicos de cables


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