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Influence of statics and dynamics on high performance catenary designs

A. Carnicero, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, M. Such, A. Ramos, C. Sanchez-Rebollo

International Conference on Pantograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control - PACIFIC 2011, Amiens (Francia). 08 diciembre 2011

This paper is focused on the study of strengths and limitations both static and dynamic behaviour on different but essential aspects of new high performance catenaries. Firstly, some different simulation models of the catenary-pantograph dynamic interaction are briefly detailed. Moreover, the performance of the models is checked with the European Standard EN-50318. In addition, certain new applications based on the static and dynamic behaviour and really related to the designs are also presented: geometry optimization, wind effects and multibody coupled simulations of the catenary-pantographvehicle-railway.

Palabras clave: Finite element methods, Genetic algorithms, Pareto Optimization, Railway engineering.

Fecha de publicación: 2011-12-08.

A. Carnicero, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, M. Such, A. Ramos, C. Sanchez-Rebollo, Influence of statics and dynamics on high performance catenary designs, International Conference on Pantograph Catenary Interaction Framework for Intelligent Control - PACIFIC 2011, Amiens (Francia). 08 diciembre 2011.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Sistemas Mecánicos: Mecánica estructural, elementos de máquinas, prototipado rápido, metrología dimensional

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