INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis (Estados Unidos de América). 06-09 octubre 2013
Decision makers usually display inconsistencies when expressing their preferences, which are regarded as undesirable and are usually removed. This study attempts to analyze the role of reciprocity in pairwise comparisons. Our experiment shows that decision makers show substantial levels of irreciprocity and inconsistency, and that they may prefer results in which this irreciprocity has not been removed. Our major conclusion is that imposing reciprocity to preferences may not be justified.
Fecha de publicación: 2013-10-06.
P. Linares, S. Lumbreras, A. Santamaría, A. Veiga, Questioning reciprocity in pairwise comparisons. A case study, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis (Estados Unidos de América). 06-09 octubre 2013.