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Contractual advantages and shortcomings for the development of wind power in Brazil and Argentina

J. Gorenstein Dedecca, G. Martino Jannuzi

IV Jornada Científica da Associação Brasileira de Estudos em Energia, Río de Janeiro (Brasil). 26 noviembre 2010

Recently both Brazil and Argentina have implemented competitive biddings to promote wind power generation following other earlier incentive programs. Analyzing contract uncertainties, penalty clauses, income mechanisms and other incurred costs this study presents a comparison of contracts and tender notices for recent successful processes that contracted wind power generating capacity. It was found that Brazilian contracts are designed more specifically for wind power than Argentinean contracts, demanding a better project design from entrepreneurs while at the same time providing more opportunities for increasing income. On the other hand the liberty of determining commissioning dates for Argentinean projects is an advantage in an infant sector.

Fecha de publicación: 2010-11-26.

J. Gorenstein Dedecca, G. Martino Jannuzi, Contractual advantages and shortcomings for the development of wind power in Brazil and Argentina, IV Jornada Científica da Associação Brasileira de Estudos em Energia, Río de Janeiro (Brasil). 26 noviembre 2010.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Diseño y regulación de mercados energéticos

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