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Grid access of non-synchronous generation: review of the Spanish regulation

L. Rouco, E. Lobato

19th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ '21, Almería (España). 28-30 julio 2021


The development of wind and solar photovoltaic generation depends critically on the access to the grid. In contrast to synchronous generation, the access to the grid of converter based generation (also called non-synchronous generation) is affected by a number of technical constraints. The Spanish regulation of the grid access of non-synchronous generation has been recently reformulated. This contribution will review the new regulation. The past regulation will be also discussed.


Palabras clave: Grid access, Non-synchronous generation, Short Circuit Ratio.

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, vol: 19, pp: 1-6

Fecha de publicación: 2021-09-30.

L. Rouco, E. Lobato, Grid access of non-synchronous generation: review of the Spanish regulation, 19th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ '21, Almería (España). 28-30 julio 2021. En: Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, vol. 19, nº. 1, e-ISSN: 2172-038X

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Régimen permanente: Flujos de cargas, análisis de restricciones de operación, flujos de cargas óptimo, servicio complementario de control de tensiones, cortocircuitos, protecciones en redes de transporte y distribución, modelos térmicos de cables
  • Estabilidad: Estabilidad de gran perturbación, ajuste de protecciones de deslastre de cargas por frecuencia, control de la excitación, estabilidad de pequeña perturbación, ajuste de estabilizadores del sistema de potencia, identificación de modelos de reguladores