25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (España). 03-06 junio 2019
This paper presents an AC OPF algorithm that uses a convex relaxation for the power flow equations with high algorithmic performances and exploits a robust optimization approach to deal with the uncertainties related to wind generation and demand.
Publicado en CIRED 2019, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1
Fecha de publicación: 2019-06-03.
N. Chowdhury, G. Pisano, F. Pilo, M. Troncia, Optimal location of energy storage systems with robust optimization, 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2019, Madrid (España). 03-06 junio 2019. En: CIRED 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-2-9602415-0-1