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A computational framework for understanding risk factors in cybercrime

J. Pérez, E. Awad, M. Castro, G. López, N. Bueno-Guerra, M. Reneses, M. Riberas-Gutiérrez, A. Gómez-Dorado

8th International Conference on Computational Social Science - IC2S2 2022, Chicago (Estados Unidos de América). 19-22 julio 2022


In this paper, we present a prototype computational framework to study the risk factors that play a relevant role in cybercrime. Intending to address the limitations of the classical approaches used in social science and the black box approaches commonly used in computational science, we propose an iterative study process that moves the focus towards the use of causal and Bayesian methodologies to obtain a better complete picture of these complex processes and guide the design of new experiments. In this paper, to exemplify our proposal, we also analyze data from a survey of Spanish children about their cyberbullying-related experiences and various personal, environmental, and technological factors that could play a key role in online victimization. The results of our study bring together approaches from social and computer science, highlighting the need for multidisciplinary studies to understand better the complex human process behind cybercrime.

Resumen divulgativo:

Presentamos un marco computacional para estudiar los factores de riesgo que afectan a la ciberdelincuencia. Con la intención de abordar las limitaciones de los enfoques clásicos y de caja negra, trasladamos el enfoque hacia el uso de metodologías causales y bayesianas para obtener una mejor comprensión de estos complejos procesos.

Palabras clave: Online Victimization; Adolescents; Cyberbullying; Causality; Bayesian Statistics

Fecha de publicación: 2022-07-19.

J. Pérez, E. Awad, M. Castro, G. López, N. Bueno-Guerra, M. Reneses, M. Riberas-Gutiérrez, A. Gómez-Dorado, A computational framework for understanding risk factors in cybercrime, 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science - IC2S2 2022, Chicago (Estados Unidos de América). 19-22 julio 2022.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Análisis de datos

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