15th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2023, Belgrado (Serbia). 25-29 junio 2023
Decarbonizing the energy sector requires the rapid integration of significant renewable generation capacity into electricity grids. The enhancement of existing grid capacity, avoiding reinforcement, represents an interesting alternative to accelerate the grid integration of new capacity. Dynamic hosting capacity (DHC) allows distribution system operators to move away from conservative definitions of available grid capacity. Hybridization allows promoters to combine different renewable generation and storage technologies at the same connection point to maximize the injection of energy into the grid. This work proposes a model to analyze the two mechanisms to enhance existing hosting capacity and presents results for a case study at three different connection points and locations in Spain. A dynamic definition of grid hosting capacity is found to increase the renewable energy sources (RES) installed capacity as well as their injected energy by up to 9%. The hybridization of photovoltaic (PV) and wind capacity increases installed capacity by 9% to 54%, injecting up to 20% more energy into the network. Combining dynamic hosting capacity and hybridization increases total RES installed capacity by up to 62%, injecting up to 29% more energy into the grid. Assumed battery investment costs result in the economic infeasibility of storage installation.
Resumen divulgativo:
Este artículo evalúa el acceso no firme y la hibridación de PV y eólica para acelerar la integración de la energía renovable en la red. Los resultados muestran que la implementación paralela de los mecanismos aumenta la capacidad instalada óptima hasta en un 65%, inyectando hasta un 29% más de energía en la red.
Palabras clave: Electricity sector decarbonization, non-firm access, hosting capacity, dynamic line rating, hybridization
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/PowerTech55446.2023.10202726
Publicado en 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, pp: 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8779-5
Fecha de publicación: 2023-06-29.
L. Herding, R. Cossent, M. Rivier, Enhancing RES grid connection via dynamic hosting capacity and hybridization, 15th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2023, Belgrado (Serbia). 25-29 junio 2023. En: 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8779-5