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Exploring the synergies of biomass-based top-cycle CHP plants with hydrogen for industrial applications

J.F. Gutiérrez, T. Gerres, S. Serna, J.P. Chaves

19th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM23, Lappeenranta (Finlandia). 06-08 junio 2023


Combined heat and power plants (CHP) maximise the usable energy from combustion processes. By providing both usable heat and electricity, it is a flexibly adjustable technology based on demand profiles from industrial plants. Today, CHP units are mostly fuelled by fossil energy carriers, such as natural gas. However, CHPs must be operated with renewable fuels to comply with net-zero transition pathways. This study explores the economics of a biomass CHP plant in combination with an electrolyser, a dedicated renewable generation plant, and a small hydrogen storage tank for a Spanish case study. Using an optimisation model that combines electrolyser and biomass CHP operations, the cost-optimal operation is explored, considering various electricity prices and other scenarios. Under the assumption that heat generation from alternative sources can be flexibly reduced, we investigate if there are synergies between hydrogen and biomass use for CHP plants.

Resumen divulgativo:

Este estudio explora los aspectos económicos de una planta de cogeneración alimentada con biomasa en combinación con un electrolizador para un caso de estudio español. Se presenta un modelo de optimización capaz de estudiar su funcionamiento óptimo. Bajo el supuesto de que la generación de calor a partir de fuentes alternativas puede verse reducida, se investiga si existen sinergias entre el uso de hidrógeno y biomasa para plantas de cogeneración.

Palabras clave: combined heat and power, hydrogen combustion, industrial heat demand, mixed integer linear programming.

DOI: DOI icon

Fecha de publicación: junio 2023.

Gutiérrez, J.F., Gerres, T., Serna, S., Chaves, J.P., Exploring the synergies of biomass-based top-cycle CHP plants with hydrogen for industrial applications, 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM23, Lappeenranta (Finlandia). 06-08 junio 2023.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Modelos de mercados eléctricos con alta penetración de generación renovable
  • Integración de energía renovable


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