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Project information

Advanced course on low-carbon generation

P. Rodilla P. Mastropietro C. Batlle A. Ramos L. Rouco E. Lobato

June 2024 - June 2024

Funding entity Repsol Renovables

Advanced course on low-carbon generation for company staff. The course is divided into two blocks, one on regulation and market design (calculation of prices in the electricity market, design of capacity remuneration mechanisms, design of support mechanisms for electricity storage, design of support mechanisms for renewables) and the other on technical aspects and energy modelling (grid access criteria, estimation of renewable spillages, long-term planning of generation, demand and storage, optimisation of a virtual power plant).

Layman's summary: Advanced course on low-carbon generation, divided into two blocks, one on regulation and market design and the other on technical aspects and energy modelling.