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Recommendations for a consumer-centric products and efficient market design

A. Sanjab, L. Marques, W. Ananduta, H. Gerard, S. Bindu, M. Troncia, J.P. Chaves, N. Rossetto, V. Reif, D. Stampatori, M. Lacerda

Spanish layman's summary:

Este documento se centra en el diseño de mercados eficientes, integrados y escalables para la contratación de servicios del sistema por parte de los operadores del sistema de distribución (DSO) y los operadores del sistema de transmisión (TSO) en perfecta coordinación entre los diferentes actores implicados.

English layman's summary:

This document focuses on the design of efficient, integrated, and scalable markets for the procurement of system services by the distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs) in seamless coordination between the different actors involved.

Keywords: Market design, TSO-DSO coordination, system services

IIT Project: OneNet (OneNet)

Funding entity: European Commission. Horizon 2020 – Cooperation / Energy

Publication date: 30-09-2023


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