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The digitalization of peer-to-peer electricity trading in energy communities

E. Ghiani, M. Mureddu, M. Galici, M. Troncia, F. Pilo

In the book Energy Communities

Academic Press, Cambridge, United States of America


One of the motivating factors for developing energy communities is to create an opportunity for peer-to-peer trading among the members. Smart meters, Internet of Things devices, distributed ledger, and digitalization enable energy communities based on renewable energy production to thrive. The local energy market participants can trade energy and provide services to the upstream distribution and transmission system operators. This chapter introduces the local energy market concept describing enabling technologies. A laboratory-scale local energy community operated by P2P and blockchain is used to show the feasibility and benefits of this new technology.

Keywords: Blockchain; Local energy market; Local energy network; Peer-to-peer trading; Smart grid

Editors: et al., ; Löbbe, S.

ISBN: 978-0-323-91135-1

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91135-1.00018-3

DOI of the book: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/C2021-0-01002-6

Published: 2022

E. Ghiani, M. Mureddu, M. Galici, M. Troncia, F. Pilo, The digitalization of peer-to-peer electricity trading in energy communities, in Energy Communities. Editors et al., ; Löbbe, S.. Ed. Academic Press. Cambridge, United States of America, 2022.
