Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, España
Automatic control systems play a very important role in modern industrial systems and many of the industrial achievements known today would have never been possible without efficient control systems in place. Examples can be found in the beginning of the industrial revolution (i.e. the flyball governor of Watt’s steam engine) and in most industries today (chemical, paper and metal industries, transportation, aerospace applications, automatic manufacturing, electric power systems, etc.). The theory of automatic control has imported methods not only from close fields such as communications (electronic amplifiers and signal processing techniques) but also from unlike disciplines such as vibration analysis, optimisation or celestial mechanics. Furthermore, some control-related techniques originally developed only for industry are now being used in many different fields: computer simulation, economics, system dynamics, organisation and administration models, etc. Nowadays, automatic control is an important field with well established techniques, a wide range of applications and many connections with many different disciplines.
This is the translation of the book Regulación Automática by F.L. Pagola as it was published in 2006.
ISBN: 978-84-8468-656-9
Publicado: 2016
F.L. Pagola, Control Systems. Traductores García-Cerrada, A.. Ed. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid, España, 2016.