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Conference paper information

Decision trees applied to forecasting switched shunt devices within the Spanish power system

E. Lobato, F.M. Echavarren, L. Rouco, A. Ugedo

Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power (AIESP 2006), Funchal (Portugal). 07-10 Febrero 2006

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Keywords: No disponible/Not available

Publication date: February 2006.

Lobato, E., Echavarren, F.M., Rouco, L., Ugedo, A., Decision trees applied to forecasting switched shunt devices within the Spanish power system, Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power (AIESP 2006), Funchal (Portugal). 07-10 February 2006.

    Research topics:
  • *Forecasting and Data Mining
  • *Steady-state: Load flows, analysis of power system constraints, optimal load flows, voltage control ancilliary service,short-circuits, protections in transmission and ditribution networks