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Joint centralized and distributed electricity generation expansion in a decarbonized scenario: the Spanish case

S. Doménech, F.A. Campos, M. Rivier, J. Villar

15th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM18, Lodz (Poland). 27-29 junio 2018


Power systems of most EU countries will face substantial changes partly caused by both the EU Clean Energy Package and the expected increment of active customers. This works aims to analyze the impact of these two factors on the evolution of the investments on generation capacity and the operation of these assets. An hourly-resolution generation expansion model based on an expenses’ minimization with both centralized and distributed generation expansion and operation is used. Four cases studies focusing on the period 2018-2047, designed to comply with the EU energy and environmental objectives, are presented. Results show a strong synergy among battery costs and solar photovoltaic investments, while wind power seems to be better complemented by peaker thermal units.

Keywords: Decarbonization, distributed generation, electricity tariffs, expenses minimization model

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1109/EEM.2018.8469911

Publication date: June 2018.

Doménech, S., Campos, F.A., Rivier, M., Villar, J., Joint centralized and distributed electricity generation expansion in a decarbonized scenario: the Spanish case, 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM18, Lodz (Poland). 27-29 June 2018.

    Research topics:
  • Planning and operation of DER
  • Green energy integration
  • Electricity, natural gas and renewable gases markets models
  • EPEC and MPEC models
  • Energy markets design and regulation
  • Analysis of sustainable energy policies


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