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Conference paper information

An assessment of the European electricity market reform options and a pragmatic proposal

J.P. Chaves, R. Cossent, T. Gómez, P. Linares, M. Rivier

Workshop on Energy Policy - WEP, Castellon de la Plana (Spain). 14-15 diciembre 2023

Spanish layman's summary:

En este trabajo analizamos las alternativas propuestas para la reforma del mercado eléctrico europeo, considerando sus ventajas e inconvenientes; y planteamos una propuesta específica. Nos centramos fundamentalmente en las medidas dirigidas al mercado mayorista, aunque también proponemos cambios que consideramos necesarios en el ámbito minorista.

English layman's summary:

In this paper we look at the alternatives proposed for the reform of the European electricity market, analysing their advantages and disadvantages, and we put forward a specific proposal. We focus mostly on measures directed at the wholesale generation market, although we also propose some changes that we believe will also be needed at the retail level.

Keywords: Electricity markets, regulation, Europe

Publication date: December 2023.

Chaves, J.P., Cossent, R., Gómez, T., Linares, P., Rivier, M., An assessment of the European electricity market reform options and a pragmatic proposal, Workshop on Energy Policy - WEP, Castellon de la Plana (Spain). 14-15 December 2023.

    Research topics:
  • Energy markets design and regulation


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