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Conference paper information

Impact of high penetration of grid forming converters in a large-scale power system

C. Paolis Robles, E. Lobato, F.M. Echavarren, L. Rouco

IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2024, Seattle (United States of America). 21-25 julio 2024


The stability of large-scale power systems is being challenged by the high penetration of converter interface generation (wind and solar photovoltaic).
Synchronous generators must be committed to guarantee the stability of a large-scale power system in scenarios of high penetration of renewable energy sources connected through grid following converters.
The talk will show how the massive incorporation of grid-forming converters can avoid such must-run synchronous generation.
Models and test cases of the Spanish power system with representations of the external systems will be used for the illustration.

Publication date: July 2024.

Paolis Robles, C., Lobato, E., Echavarren, F.M., Rouco, L., Impact of high penetration of grid forming converters in a large-scale power system, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2024, Seattle (United States of America). 21-25 July 2024.


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