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First price and second price auction modelling for energy contracts in latin american electricity markets

R. Moreno, H. Rudnick, L.A. Barroso

16th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2008, Glasgow (Reino Unido). 14-18 julio 2008


The need to stimulate generation investment is a growing challenge in deregulated electricity markets worldwide. Capacity payments and capacity markets have been investigated for this purpose. Latin American markets are exploring energy supply auctions, an avenue that is assessed in this paper. Auction mechanisms are studied through auction theory by using Bayesian equilibrium concepts. Two sealed bid auction formats are reviewed: a single object first-price auction and single object secondprice auction. These formats are analyzed under a pseudo common value and symmetric equilibrium framework. In
order to solve the first order conditions of the programming models and to compute the price market, numerical and sampling methods are used as Monte Carlo heuristics.
The developed models are applied to assess future auctions in the Chilean electricity market.

Palabras clave: Auctions, electricity market, auction theory, investment, supply contracts

Fecha de publicación: julio 2008.

Moreno, R., Rudnick, H., Barroso, L.A., First price and second price auction modelling for energy contracts in latin american electricity markets, 16th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2008, Glasgow (Reino Unido). 14-18 julio 2008.


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