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Conference paper information

Analysis of short term dynamic behavior of an electric market

A. Ramos, Á. Baíllo, S. López, M. Rivier, M. Ventosa

16th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies - IFORS 2002, Edinburgh (United Kingdom). 08-12 July 2002

Resumen en actas del Congreso. Abstract # 1222. p. 16 (http://www.som.umd.umich.edu/ifors2002/program-final.pdf)

Keywords: No disponible/Not available

Publication date: 2002-07-08.

A. Ramos, Á. Baíllo, S. López, M. Rivier, M. Ventosa, Analysis of short term dynamic behavior of an electric market, 16th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies - IFORS 2002, Edinburgh (United Kingdom). 08-12 July 2002.

    Research topics:
  • *Short-Term Operation, Market Bidding and Operating Reserves