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Conference paper information

A generation planning model in electricity markets based on the complementary problem

M. Rivier, M. Ventosa, A. Ramos

INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 1999, Philadelphia (United States of America). 07-10 November 1999

Resumen en actas del Congreso. Session SC23.3 (http://www.informs.org/Conf/Philadelphia99/TALKS/SC23.html)

Keywords: No disponible/Not available

Publication date: 1999-11-07.

M. Rivier, M. Ventosa, A. Ramos, A generation planning model in electricity markets based on the complementary problem, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 1999, Philadelphia (United States of America). 07-10 November 1999.

    Research topics:
  • *Medium-Term Tactical Planning