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Conference paper information

Costs assessment and impact on the power sector of a transition towards H2 fueled vehicles

B. Olavarría, J. Villar, F.A. Campos, S. Doménech

4th Annual APEEN Conference - APEEN 2019, Covilhã (Portugal). 17-18 October 2019

This paper analyses the impact of a transition to Hydrogen (H2) fuel cell vehicles (H2EV) as an alternative to Battery Electric Vehicles (EV) for passengers’ cars and its influence on the power sector. A simple model is used to estimate the electricity demand to produce the H2 needed, and CEVESA model, modified to include investments and variable costs of H2 production, is used to solve its impact on the MIBEL electricity market both on the operation and on the investments electricity generation decisions. Some scenarios considering different shares of EV and H2EV have been simulated to assess their impact, with the base case obtained from the recent Spanish National Plan for Energy and Climate (NPEC).

Keywords: Hydrogen fuel cell, energy transition, electricity market, renewable generation, NPEC

Publication date: 2019-10-17.

B. Olavarría, J. Villar, F.A. Campos, S. Doménech, Costs assessment and impact on the power sector of a transition towards H2 fueled vehicles, 4th Annual APEEN Conference - APEEN 2019, Covilhã (Portugal). 17-18 October 2019.

    Research topics:
  • Planning and operation of DER
  • Green energy integration
  • Unit-commitment in electricity markets with high RES penetration
  • Generation and transmission planning co-optimization
  • Sustainable mobility and electric vehicles

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