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Methodology of estimation of future investments in interconnection capacity within the Enlarged European Union

B. Cova, E. Lobato, L. Olmos, J. Karacsyoni, C. Skerk

11th International Energy Conference & Exhibition - ENERGEX 2006, Stavanger (Noruega). 12-15 junio 2006

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Fecha de publicación: 2006-06-12.

B. Cova, E. Lobato, L. Olmos, J. Karacsyoni, C. Skerk, Methodology of estimation of future investments in interconnection capacity within the Enlarged European Union, 11th International Energy Conference & Exhibition - ENERGEX 2006, Stavanger (Noruega). 12-15 junio 2006.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Green Energy Integration
  • *Regulación de las infraestructuras energéticas de redes: Transporte y distribución