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Definition KPI for DEMOs

E. Anderson Vázquez, C. Augusto, M. Matusewicz, S. Noske, R. Lopes Mourão, N. Pereira, I. Nobre Gomes, I. Cândido Silva, L. Silvestre, J. Antunes, M. Côrte-Real, D. Carvalho, A. Sancho, A. Águas, A. Tavares, M. Staudt, D. Brummund, J. Vanschoenwinkel, K. Kessels, R. Cossent


Executive Summary
The main objective of this deliverable is to identify and define the EUniversal DEMO Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which will support the monitoring and assessment procedure of the pilot and project activities. In addition, the EUniversal project KPIs, associated with the expected impacts of the call under the European Horizon 2020 programme, are also included.
KPIs serve to evaluate the success and impact of the demonstrators and quantify the overall contribution of EUniversal to the primary goal of enabling a transformative and modular approach, the Universal Market Enabling Interface (UMEI), to couple active system management of the networks with electricity markets that allow for effective provision of flexibility services.
The work from Task 6.2 presented in this deliverable is closely linked to Task 2.2, ‘Business use case definition’ and Task 2.3 ‘System Architecture and system use cases’ (UC). Furthermore, the work conducted in work packages (WPs) 7, 8 and 9, related to the Portuguese (PT), German (DE) and Polish (PL) pilots, are also key for the development and understanding of this deliverable, as the DEMOs serve to demonstrate and validate the services defined in the project. The structured and reproducible methodology followed to achieve the objective above is depicted in Figure 1.[...]

IIT Project: EUniversal (EUniversal)

Funding entity: European Comission. H2020 – LC-ES-1-2019

Publication date: 01-08-2021


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