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Methodology and scenarios for the EUniversal scalability and replicability analysis

M. Valarezo, R. Cossent, E. Beckstedde, L. Meeus


Executive Summary
The EUniversal project comprises three different demonstrators located in Germany, Poland, and Portugal, in which ten Business Use Cases (BUCs) will be tested on real distribution networks at different locations. The majority of the BUCs implement local flexibility markets for the procurement of flexibility by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in the short-term and long-term timelines. In addition, they are concentrated on the delivery of congestion management or voltage control services through active and/or reactive power.
The results obtained from the demonstrators will provide helpful information on the impact of the BUC solutions. However, these results will be subject to the boundary conditions of each location, such as technical, regulatory, environmental, and social contexts. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a Scalability and Replicability Analysis (SRA) to understand the effects of implementing similar solutions under different boundary conditions that may affect the outcomes expected from the EUniversal project.
The scalability part of the analysis aims to determine the ability of a process, system, or network to increase in size or range to meet a growth in demand correctly. On the other hand, the replicability part of the analysis aims to determine how the modification of the boundary conditions affects the conclusions extracted from the use case with the objective of applying it in other regions, whether intranational or international.
In this context, the main objective of this deliverable is to describe the methodology and scenarios to carry out the SRA of the EUniversal project focusing on the ten BUCs defined in the deliverable D2.2 of the project. The methodology presented in this deliverable will be applied in D10.4, “Scalability and Replicability analysis of the EUniversal solutions”. [...]

Resumen divulgativo:

This report describes the methodology and scenarios proposed to carry out the scalability and replicability analysis of the EUniversal project, which will assess the ten business use cases defined in WP2 of the project. The results will be presented in deliverable D10.4.


Palabras clave: scalability and replicability, local flexibility markets, distribution networks

Proyecto del IIT: EUniversal (EUniversal)

Entidad financiadora: European Comission. H2020 – LC-ES-1-2019

Fecha de publicación: 27-01-2022


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