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Forecasting with interval and histogram data: some financial applications

J. Arroyo, G. González-Rivera, C. Maté

In the book Handbook of empirical economics and finance

Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, London, United Kingdom

Editors: Giles, D.E.A.; Ullah, A.

ISBN: 9781420070354

URL: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781420070354;jsessionid=Yi84Dh5s+PfoxMq6Jve1+A**

Published: 2010

J. Arroyo, G. González-Rivera, C. Maté, Forecasting with interval and histogram data: some financial applications, in Handbook of empirical economics and finance. Editors Giles, D.E.A.; Ullah, A.. Ed. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. London, United Kingdom, 2010.

    Research topics:
  • *Forecasting and Data Mining


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