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Competitors' response representation for market simulation in the Spanish daily market

E. Centeno, J. Barquín, J.I. de la Fuente, A. Muñoz, M. Ventosa, J. García-González, A. Mateo, A. Martín

In the book Modelling prices in competitive electricity markets

John Wiley & Sons Limited, Chichester, United Kingdom

Editors: Bunn, D.W.

ISBN: 0-470-84860-X

URL: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Modelling+Prices+in+Competitive+Electricity+Markets-p-9780470848609

Published: 2006

E. Centeno, J. Barquín, J.I. de la Fuente, A. Muñoz, M. Ventosa, J. García-González, A. Mateo, A. Martín, Competitors' response representation for market simulation in the Spanish daily market, in Modelling prices in competitive electricity markets. Editors Bunn, D.W.. Ed. John Wiley & Sons Limited. Chichester, United Kingdom, 2006.

    Research topics:
  • *Short-Term Operation, Market Bidding and Operating Reserves
  • *Forecasting and Data Mining
