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Consumers' responses to corporate philanthropy: are they willing to make trade-offs?

C. Valor

International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 6, nº. 1, pp. 1 - 26


More and more companies are allocating part of their budgets to supporting good causes through corporate philanthropy. This approach implies a social concern of communities and, at the same time, a concern for their corporate economic performance (e.g. linking philanthropic efforts to economic performance through cause-related marketing). This paper attempts to find which variables related to the implementation of a philanthropic campaign are more important for consumers and which of the yield higher utilities. The main finding of this study is that price and quality are the most important attributes when making a purchase decision, followed by the philanthropic donations. Other social corporate dimensions are disregarded.

Published on paper: June 2005.

C. Valor, Consumers' responses to corporate philanthropy: are they willing to make trade-offs?. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 6, nº. 1, pp. 1 - 26, June 2005.