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I love you with all my lungs: a viewpoint on communicating effectively and positively about lung health

Joan B. Soriano, S. Lumbreras, B. Celli, C. Jenkins

European Respiratory Journal Vol. 64, nº. 1, pp. 2400919-1


The respiratory community is slowly but progressively learning effective communication strategies for promoting positive messages on lung health [1, 2]. Implementation research, or the systematic study of methods that support the application of research findings and other evidence-based knowledge into policy and practice [3], has been mostly used in communicable, infectious diseases, as exemplified recently with the COVID-19 pandemic [4, 5]. However, it has been ill-used in noncommunicable diseases [6], particularly in chronic respiratory diseases [7]. It is time to change that, as lung health is a fundamental component of overall well-being; and there cannot be health without lung health [8]. After all, the vital capacity obtained by spirometry is “vital”, because its impairment is a strong predictor of mortality in otherwise healthy individuals [9]. Communicating effectively about lung health is essential for raising awareness, promoting preventive behaviours, and fostering positive attitudes toward respiratory well-being.

Spanish layman's summary:

En este paper proponemos estrategias para concienciar a la sociedad de lo importante que es la salud respiratoria para la calidad de vida.

English layman's summary:

In this paper we propose strategies to create awareness of the importance of lung health for quality of life

Keywords: CRD; Implementation research; Lung health; NCD; Positive: Tobacco

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 16,600 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.00919-2024

Accepted for publishing.

Joan B. Soriano, S. Lumbreras, B. Celli, C. Jenkins, I love you with all my lungs: a viewpoint on communicating effectively and positively about lung health. European Respiratory Journal. Vol. 64, nº. 1, pp. 2400919-1

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