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A hybrid particle swarm optimization approach for explicit flexibility procurement in distribution network planning

M. Martínez, C. Mateo, T. Gómez, B. Alonso Santos, P. Frías

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Vol. 161, pp. 110215-1 - 110215-14


Flexibility services enable distribution system operators to actively manage the grid for accommodating demand and generation growth while potentially reducing or delaying investments in grid reinforcements. This paper proposes a novel hybrid particle swarm optimization and linear programming methodology that analyzes explicit flexibility procurement as an alternative to conventional network reinforcements in electricity distribution network planning. The distribution system planning problem is decomposed into a master problem and an inner problem. Binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) is used to determine the optimal investment decisions, binary variables, from a set of candidate grid reinforcements in the master problem. At the inner linear programming optimization problem, a market-based procurement of flexibility services is performed. The inner optimization problem obtains the total cost of flexibility and the volume of flexibility at each network bus required to defer or avoid part of the grid reinforcements. A real 500-bus medium voltage network is used to validate the proposed methodology. Results illustrate cost-effective network plans that combine flexibility procurement with network reinforcements. A sensitivity to the cost and availability of flexibility services is also conducted to calculate the thresholds where flexibility becomes an efficient alternative to reinforcing the network.

Spanish layman's summary:

Este artículo propone una metodología para planificar redes eléctricas de distribución que considera la contratación de servicios de flexibilidad como alternativa a inversiones en refuerzos de red. El caso de estudio para una red española de media tensión muestra la viabilidad práctica del modelo.

English layman's summary:

This paper presents a new approach to electricity distribution network planning that considers market-based procurement of flexibility services as a non-wire alternative to grid reinforcements. A case study of a Spanish medium-voltage grid validates the practical viability of the proposed model.

Keywords: Distribution network planning; Demand response; Flexibility; Network reinforcement; Investment deferral

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 5,000 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2024.110215

Published on paper: October 2024.

Published on-line: September 2024.

M. Martínez, C. Mateo, T. Gómez, B. Alonso Santos, P. Frías, A hybrid particle swarm optimization approach for explicit flexibility procurement in distribution network planning. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol. 161, pp. 110215-1 - 110215-14, October 2024. [Online: September 2024]

    Research topics:
  • Smart grids
  • Planning and operation of DER