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FASTER: Fast and Safe Trajectory Planner for navigation in unknown environments

J. Tordesillas Torres, B.T. López, M.E. Everett

IEEE Transactions on Robotics Vol. 38, nº. 2, pp. 922 - 938


Planning high-speed trajectories for UAVs in unknown environments requires algorithmic techniques that enable fast reaction times to guarantee safety as more information about the environment becomes available. The standard approaches that ensure safety by enforcing a “stop” condition in the free-known space can severely limit the speed of the vehicle, especially in situations where much of the world is unknown. Moreover, the ad-hoc time and interval allocation scheme usually imposed on the trajectory also leads to conservative and slower trajectories. This work proposes FASTER (Fast and Safe Trajectory Planner) to ensure safety without sacrificing speed. FASTER obtains high-speed trajectories by enabling the local planner to optimize in both the free-known and unknown spaces. Safety is ensured by always having a safe back-up trajectory in the free-known space. The MIQP formulation proposed also allows the solver to choose the trajectory interval allocation. FASTER is tested extensively in simulation and in real hardware, showing flights in unknown cluttered environments with velocities up to 7.8 m/s, and experiments at the maximum speed of a skid-steer ground robot (2 m/s).

Keywords: Convex decomposition, path planning, trajectory optimization, UAV.

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 7,800 - Q1 (2022); 9,400 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1109/TRO.2021.3100142

Published on paper: April 2022.

Published on-line: October 2021.

J. Tordesillas Torres, B.T. López, M.E. Everett, FASTER: Fast and Safe Trajectory Planner for navigation in unknown environments. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Vol. 38, nº. 2, pp. 922 - 938, April 2022. [Online: October 2021]

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