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Paper information

A new framework for rural electrification programs

K. Dietrich, A. López-Peña, P. Linares

IAEE Energy Forum Vol. 3rd Quarter, pp. 21 - 25


Rural electrification programs have a long history of failure, mostly associated to the lack of long-term support and sustainability of the projects. In this paper we propose a new framework for rural electrification programs which tries to address the major shortcomings of the existing ones regarding their sustainability, andwe illustrate it with an application to Guatemala.

Published on paper: July 2011.

K. Dietrich, A. López-Peña, P. Linares, A new framework for rural electrification programs. IAEE Energy Forum. Vol. 3rd Quarter, pp. 21 - 25, July 2011.

    Research topics:
  • *Regulation of energy network infrastructures: Transport and distribution