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National hydrogen strategies in a global context: common design elements across country specific visions

T. Gerres, S. Serna, R. Cossent

Original summary:

Many countries around the world have recognised the importance of a hydrogen economy in reducing emissions and limiting the global temperature rise. Recently published national hydrogen strategies from countries across the globe inform how governments plan to support the hydrogen transition, highlight country-specific areas of interest, identify regulatory barriers and market opportunities and provide a country-specific context for the transition. By design, these hydrogen strategies present a national perspective on the emergence of a hydrogen economy over the upcoming decades. What is missing, though, is publicly available research on how the structure and content of national hydrogen strategies compare. Our work aims to address this gap by studying the structure of twelve national strategies published by countries from all continents and identifying common design elements and trends in a global context. Based on our findings, we highlight how hydrogen shall be produced, which applications will consume hydrogen, how demand will be met by supply and which policies shall support the build-up of a hydrogen economy. Our findings can help to better evaluate the implications of the transition towards a hydrogen economy in a global context.


DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13276.05769

English summary:

Many countries around the world have recognised the importance of a hydrogen economy in reducing emissions and limiting the global temperature rise. Recently published national hydrogen strategies from countries across the globe inform how governments plan to support the hydrogen transition, highlight country-specific areas of interest, identify regulatory barriers and market opportunities and provide a country-specific context for the transition. By design, these hydrogen strategies present a national perspective on the emergence of a hydrogen economy over the upcoming decades. What is missing, though, is publicly available research on how the structure and content of national hydrogen strategies compare. Our work aims to address this gap by studying the structure of twelve national strategies published by countries from all continents and identifying common design elements and trends in a global context. Based on our findings, we highlight how hydrogen shall be produced, which applications will consume hydrogen, how demand will be met by supply and which policies shall support the build-up of a hydrogen economy. Our findings can help to better evaluate the implications of the transition towards a hydrogen economy in a global context.


DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13276.05769

Registration date: 25/05/2022


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