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Dr. Andrés González García

Current position:
Visiting Professor
Association date:
SM26. P-208
Researcher ID:
Google Scholar ID:


Andrés developed his PhD (Suma Cum Laude and International Doctorate Award for the collaboration at MIT) at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI (2024). He holds a BSc in Electro-Mechanic Engineering with an MSc in Power Electronics (1995) also from ICAI-Comillas, Master in International Cooperation (1997) from IUDC - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Executive MBA (2000) from ICADE Business School - Comillas, Specialist in Driving Government Performance (2012) from Harvard Kennedy School of Government & IESE Business School and Master in Electrical Systems from ICAI-Comillas (2013).

One of the co-founders of Waya Energy, Andrés is co-CEO of the spin-off company created by members of the Universal Energy Access Laboratory to exploit, among other things, the results of his doctoral thesis. Under Andrés' supervision, now as Principal Investigator, 20 national and regional electrification plans have been developed in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with more than 220 million beneficiaries and $32 billion in planned investments, working in competitive tenders for major multilateral agencies (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, among others), governments and companies in 25 countries, including India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mozambique, Rwanda, Nigeria, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Paraguay and El Salvador. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Andrés is Affiliate Researcher since November 2012, being a member of the Universal Energy Access Laboratory created by the MIT Energy Initiative, together with researchers from the Institute for Research in Technology at Comillas Pontifical University, to find solutions to the challenges of energy access and energy transition in developing countries. With MIT, Andrés has participated in the development of optimisation models for decision support and strategies for grid, mini-grid and off-grid electrification in developing countries. He is co-author of the Reference Electrification Model, which represents the state of the art in geospatial least-cost electrification plan design.

He is currently a visiting research professor at the Institute for Research in Technology at Comillas Pontifical University, where he received his research training between 2012 and 2018. Also at Comillas, he has previously been Director of the International Relations Office and Head of Coordination of the Erasmus Mundus programmes: International Master in Economics and Management of Network Industries (EMIN) and Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies (SETS), and Manager of International R&D Projects at the Research Transfer Centre.

His pro bono activities include being a member of the Board of the Spanish Table for Universal Access to Energy (MAUE, 2014-2024), President of the Forum for Solidarity (SoliAula 2008-2012), President of the Spanish Federation of Fair Trade (CECJ, 2006-2009), member of the Board of Directors of Fair-Trade International in Iberia (FTI, 2006-2009), co-founder and CEO of Solidarte S. A. (2000-2006), member of the Advisory Board of the Energy Without Borders Foundation (EsF, 2000-2006), member of the International Relations Commission of the National Conference of University Rectors of Spain (CEURI-CRUE, 2000-2004), and co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of the Engineering Without Borders Association (ISF, 1994-1996).

Areas of interest:

Universal access to sustainable energy (SDG7): Energy transition, regulation, economics, techno-economic & geospatial planning, optimization, business model, design, operation and control of on- and off-grid electric power systems, digitalization. Sustainability, equity and resilience of the energy model.

Journal Publications

show 10 journal publications


show 26 projects

International Exchanges

  • Aug 2016, MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge (United States of America).
show 1 international exchanges

Invited Conferences and Seminars

  • Round table "Electrifying the last mile, the case of Latin America" Jornada «Avanzando en la colaboración por el acceso universal a la energía y contra la pobreza energética. MAUE 10º Aniversario». Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía (MAUE). Madrid (Spain). Jun 2024.
  • Round table "If you want to transform the world, become an engineer" VIII Congreso Nacional de Igenieros del ICAI «Somos historia que construye futuro». Colegio de Ingenieros del ICAI. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2021.
  • Conference "A business vision on Development Goal 7. Opportunities for the energy sector of the universal access to energy in Africa, Asia and Latin America" Webinar Diálogo entre Foros EJE&CON. Foro de Energía y Materias Primas y el Foro de Sostenibilidad de la Asociación de Ejecutiv@s y Consejer@s (EJE&CON). Online. Jul 2021.
  • Round table "Integrated models of power supply" V Aniversario Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía «Trabajando juntos por el acceso universal a la energía». Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía (MAUE). Madrid (Spain). Feb 2020.
  • Round table "How electrification planning can help" 14º Foro BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad. Cátedra BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Jan 2019.
  • Presentation "Integrated grid and off-grid energy supply models: regulation, planning, innovation and governance for universal access to energy" International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access. Universitat de Les Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Oct 2018.
  • Conference "Universal access to energy. A goal of sustainable development at our disposal." 43 Reunión Anual Sociedad Nuclear Española. Sociedad Nuclear Española (SNE). Malaga (Spain). Oct 2017.
  • Chair in "Round table about the provision of electrical services in the Amazonia" Seminario «El acceso universal a la energía. La electrificación rural aislada. Visión en Iberoamérica». Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (AECID). Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Jun 2016.
  • Conference "Integrated planning of rural electrification" Seminario «El acceso universal a la energía. La electrificación rural aislada. Visión en Iberoamérica». Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (AECID). Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Jun 2016.
  • Conference "Challenges of universal access to modern energy, and their impact on energy and climate change policies: models to support decision-making" 10th Workshop on Industrial Systems and Energy Technologies - JOSITE'2015. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). May 2015.
  • Seminar "Millennium objective 7: to ensure the environmental sustainability (ODM7)" Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Feb 2015.
  • Conference "Access to the electricity of the poor people. The Grameen Shakti case" VI seminario de Ingeniería aplicada a la cooperación al desarrollo. ICAI-Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2014.
  • Conference "Business models and social entrepreneurship in the universal energy access Business models and social entrepreneurship in the Universal Energy Access" Conferencia GREDS «Modelos de negocio y emprendimiento social en el acceso universal a la energía». Catedra BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Nov 2013.
show 13 invited conferences and seminars

Organization of Scientific Meetings

  • Organization of "CESSA Conference: Prospects for a European Hydrogen Economy". European Comission. Madrid (Spain). Apr 2008.
show 1 organization of scientific meetings

Working Papers

show 7 working papers

External Training Courses

show 2 external training courses

External Relevant Positions

  • Vicepresident of Aula de Solidaridad Aula de Solidaridad. Madrid (Spain). Jun 2010 - Jun 2012.
show 1 external relevant positions

Media and research dissemination

show 3 media and research dissemination

Fellowships and Awards

  • Director of prizewinning work in "BP Chair on Energy and Sustainability Prize for the best Final Master Project 2017-18. TFM Supervisor «Estudio de mercado y planificación del suministro energético sostenible en la Amazonía peruana» by Clara Pérez-Andújar Carretié". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2019.
  • Director of prizewinning work in "Premio Cátedra BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad al mejor Proyecto Fin de Máster 2016-17. Director del TFM «Estudio sobre el acceso universal a electricidad y agua potable en la Amazonía» por Raquel de la Orden López". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2018.
  • Director of prizewinning work in "Prize BP Chair on Energy and Sustainability for the best final year project 2013-14. PFC Supervisor «Análisis de políticas de eficiencia energética para España» by María Jacob Jareño". Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (Spain). Mar 2015.
show 3 fellowships and awards