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Project information

Designing binding day ahead and intraday markets in the Colombian electricity system

June 2018 - November 2018

Funding entity Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG)

Participated by Carlos Batlle, Luiz Barroso

The study contains four sections:
1.-Study the CREG proposal CREG 004B of 2016, as well as the proposal by the market operator XM S.A.S.P., and other studies conducted in this area by the sector. Review of the international experience that has been carried out in these studies on the design of the spot energy market.
2. Complete revision of Resolutions CREG 024 and 025 of 1995, as well as all those that modify them. Likewise, the agreements of the CNO that have some relation to the subject under study must be reviewed.
3. Development of a normative proposal aimed at the implementation of a binding dispatch, intraday markets, and balance mechanisms.
4. Development of a regulatory proposal regarding the commercial treatment of constraints and their settlement in the presence of a binding dispatch, intraday markets and balancing mechanisms.
