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Project information

A method for the settlement of the complementary service of supplying electricity to trains in the ADIF and ADIF high-speed railway systems

T. Gómez J.A. Rodríguez-Mondéjar A.P. Cucala A. Fernández-Cardador R.R. Pecharromán A.J. López López A. Fernández Rodríguez C. Mateo R. Cossent Y. González-Arechavala P. Urosa Sánchez M. Blanco Castillo

June 2020 - November 2022

Funding entity Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF)

The aim of the project is to set the regulatory conditions and operational procedures for the settlement of electricity supply to trains belonging to different mobility operators under a context of liberalization of train operators, implementation of on-board energy measurement equipment, and providing energy efficiency signals to the train operators. In addition, the project proposes a remuneration regime for ADIF that acknowledges the efficient incurred costs, providing financial sustainability and economic efficiency signals together with keeping quality of service standards for ADIF as an energy supplier and an infrastructure operator.