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Project information

Power Market Analysis in Iberia

F.A. Campos

September 2024 - September 2026

Funding entity China Three Gorges Corporation

Participated by INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science

This project aims to estimate the needs for ancillary services in Spain and Portugal and simulate the Iberian system's response to disturbances to identify new frequency services. Another objective is to represent the MIBEL market using the CEVESA market model, focusing on the participation of electricity generators in the energy and ancillary services markets, implementing the coordination of interconnections between Spain and Portugal, and developing techno-economic assessment methodologies for the participation of existing and new resources in these markets.

Layman's summary: This project aims to estimate ancillary service needs in Spain and Portugal, simulate the Iberian system's response to disturbances to identify new frequency services, and represent the MIBEL market using the CEVESA model. It focuses on energy and ancillary market participation and interconnection coordination.

Techniques employed: Operation research, mathematical programming and simulation techniques