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Project information

Renewables and co-generation: implications of their integration in the Spanish wholesale market.

September 2003 - July 2004

Funding entity Iberdrola

Since the Special Regime creation in Spanish regulation, renewables and co-generation have been treated very differently to “usual” generation. Now that this kind of special generation is not anymore a marginal one, and seems to grow fast and continuously, it is being asked to eliminate such differences in their treatment. In fact, the last Spanish Royal Decree regulating this Special Regime has tried to send incentives to the integration of such generation in the wholesale market. This integration means acquiring new rights, but also a need to fulfil some duties in terms of controllability, distpatchability, etc.
This collaboration wants to analyse the pros and cons of such integration from the Special Regime point of view. Technical and economical conclusions will be drawn, taking into account the cost and technical limits of each technology.
