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Project information

MORSE: energy and reserve equilibrium and network constrained equilibrium

J. Villar F.A. Campos C.A. Díaz P. González

January 2011 - December 2011

Funding entity Endesa

MORSE is a model of the Spanish electricity sector, developed by the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) in collaboration with Endesa. It is intended for strategic analysis of the evolution of this sector, especially when changes of the utilities structure, new regulations, or new generation technologies take place. Its core are its Conjectural Supply Function Market Equilibriums, at a technology level, with different detail depending on the problem analyzed, that include an algorithm for the endogenous computation of the conjectured supply functions. This collaboration focuses on the following aspects: firstly the simultaneous energy and reserve market equilibrium, to adequately cope with the importance of reserves given the increasing penetration of new interruptible sources of energy, that will required more chronological detail and possibly decomposition techniques; secondly the equilibrium model with network constraints for the modeling of the European framework, with endogenous conjecture computation according to the agents structure and network lines status; finally the improvement of the uncertainty consideration, for example using Montecarlo techniques.
