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Project information

Multi Energy System Smart Linking Integration

L. Olmos A. Ramos S. Lumbreras

October 2023 - September 2027

Funding entity Collaborative Research for Energy SYstem Modelling (CRESYM)

Participated by DTU, TU-Delft, RTE, TotalEnergies OneTech, GRTgaz

A multinational consortium of world-class companies and universities in the energy sector will develop and model advanced strategies for coordinating the planning of the expansion and operation of different activities within the electricity, gas, and hydrogen sectors. This work takes place in coordination with a team of researchers from the universities of the consortium and in contact with leading professionals from the companies in it to propose solutions of relevance to these companies.

Layman's summary: This project is focused on the development of advanced strategies of modelling the coordinated functioning of various sectors/activities within the energy system making use of smart linking techniques and proxies of problems representing the functioning of each sector/activity.