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Project information

SIMUPLUS improvements Implementation

April 2003 - June 2003

Funding entity REE (Red Eléctrica de España)

SIMUPLUS provides help ata the medium term network expansion planning. Project aims are improvements that permit to adapt SIMUPLUS to the Spanish Electric Network planning criteria

This improvements are the following:

1. Enlargement of the margins of prefault network circuits overload.
This task contemplates adding four margins at the circuit flow model. The first one do not penalize its use and it's modelled as a nominal capacity percentage equal or lower to 100%. Next margin is the complementary percentage to the previous one.

2. Study of generator sensibilities in the network overloads relief
SIMUPLUS sorts generating groups to alleviate in all or in part network overloads. Sort changes depend on the location of the groups with regard to the overloads. Groups can be classified as compensation groups or efficient groups, depending on their impact in the relief of the overload of network.

3. Network cases study that include 400/220/132 kV
Currently, network to carry out network planning studies contains 400, 220 and 132 kV levels. Nevertheless, this system size gives rise to data processing problems and this task cope with tool capacity problems
